As a gamer, the best gaming monitor you use is your portal to the gaming world. No matter how great your gaming peripherals, like your gaming mouse and mechanical keyboards, are.
If you keep your gaming monitor dusty, your gaming experience will also be dusty. Therefore, save yourself from such rusty experiences by learning how to clean gaming monitor.
Cleaning your gaming monitor is a must if you wish to have an excellent visual gaming experience. Moreover, doing so prevents damage to your gaming monitor and makes it look neat and clean.
Therefore, read this post till the end to learn how to clean gaming monitor correctly. Moreover, it’s essential to understand this correctly since many people do it wrong and damage their gaming monitor.
How Often Should I Clean My Gaming Monitor?

This is a question many ask me sometimes. And I will say – it’s a good question. Knowing when to clean your gaming monitor is important since following specific intervals keeps your monitor looking fresh every day.
Therefore, most companies that manufacture the best gaming monitor under $500 say you should clean your monitor once every two weeks.
Why two weeks? Experts believe following this interval prevents dust build-up to the point that your gaming monitor starts looking dusty.
However, the honest answer depends on the environment in which you keep your gaming monitor. Therefore, you might have to clean your gaming monitor weekly if you live near dusty streets or in the Mojave or Colorado desert.
Overall, the correct answer to this question depends on the state of your gaming monitor under $300. If it looks dusty at first glance – it’s time to clean it. If it doesn’t – waiting a few days won’t hurt!
How To Clean Gaming Monitor: Things You Need

Before we start learning how to clean gaming monitor, you must ensure that you have the right cleaning agents. No – when I say “cleaning agents,” I don’t mean the actual ones. These are the only “cleaning agents” you need to clean your gaming monitor:
1. Microfiber Cloth
Most people make the mistake of using a random piece of cloth to clean their gaming monitor. While nothing is wrong with it – it’s not the most effective solution.
You must first buy a microfiber cloth to learn how to clean gaming monitor. They are not expensive, and you can easily find them online on Amazon for only $10!
But why microfiber cloths specifically? I recommend using microfiber cloths because their fibers are anti-static and cause no friction on the screen. Therefore, there is less chance of seeing streaks, which is expected if you clean your gaming monitor with a standard cloth.
2. Distilled Or Filtered Water
I recommend using distilled water over regular tap water for one reason – minerals. Since tap water has many minerals, mineral sediments can be left on the screen if you clean your gaming monitor.
Moreover, if you don’t have access to distilled water, you can use filtered water in its place instead.
3. Mini Blower
I recommend using a mini blower to blow the dust off your gaming monitor screen. If you use an ordinary (or microfiber) cloth to wipe the dust off your screen, there is a high chance it will create streaks and still leave some dusty spots behind.
However, if you use a mini blower, it instantly blows off all the dust on your screen. Therefore, if you can get your hands on a blow dryer, it will be beneficial for you. However, don’t even dare try your hair dryer here. Its heat will cause instant damage to the screen.
4. Vaseline Or Toothpaste (Optional)
Finally, you can use petroleum jelly like Vaseline to hide minor shallow scratches from the screen. However, I recommend only doing so if you have a matte screen. Most gaming monitors under $150 have glossy LCD screens, rendering this technique useless.
Moreover, remember that the only way to remove the scratches from your screen is by repairing it. Using a smudge of Vaseline will help you temporarily hide the scratch on a matte screen.
How To Clean Gaming Monitor? Just Follow These Steps!

After you ensure you have everything I stated above by your side, it’s time to move to phase 2 of learning how to clean gaming monitor – by cleaning it for real this time!
Therefore, follow these steps (in the exact order) below:
Step 1: Switch Off And Unplug Your Gaming Monitor
Do you know what might happen if you try to learn how to clean gaming monitor without unplugging your monitor? You might get zapped with a jolt of voltage, which leads to burns on your finger and damage to the nerves on your fingertips.
What I said above doesn’t sound terrific; instead, it sounds agonizing, right?
This is why I recommend you switch off your computer and turn off your gaming monitor for safety.
Step 2: Blast It With Compressed Air Or Dry Wipe It
Remember the mini blower you have beside you? Now, it is your turn to use it. Use the blow dryer to blow all the dirt off from the screen.
Moreover, when you do so, pay extra attention to the corners of the screen and its edges on the inside of the frame. This is where most of your dust will be trapped in a way where a cloth won’t do the trick.
Simply blowing it with the blower for the central part of the screen will get the job done. However, if you don’t have a mini-blower, you must make do with the
Step 3: Wet Your Fiber With Distilled Water
Now, gently dampen your microfiber cloth with water in your sink. Moreover, remember not to make the fabric wet. Make it “moisturized” enough to give off a slightly wet and somewhat damp feel.
However, as mentioned earlier, do so with distilled or filtered water. This is because normal water has many impurities in the form of minerals, which can sediment on the frame’s insides.
Step 4: Wipe Your Gaming Monitor With Your Wet Fiber
Now that you have moisturized your microfiber cloth, it’s time for you to start cleaning your gaming monitor with it.
When cleaning your monitor, always remember to make circular and anti-clockwise motions with it. This motion works best when you try to clean anything with a cloth or a mop.
In addition, ensure that you are cleaning not only the screen but also the frame. The edges between the screen and the frame are where you will find most of the dust. Therefore, to master the art of learning how to clean gaming monitor, you must clean not only the screen but the entirety of your monitor – including its frame.
Step 5: Smack A Dab of Petroleum Jelly (Optional)
While trying to learn how to clean gaming monitor, you might stumble upon some scratches on the screen. Moreover, you will notice that these scratches will not come off no matter what you do.
Therefore, to perfect the technique of learning how to clean gaming monitor, I came across some ancient but weird techniques to somewhat hide scratches on the screen. Here, I recommend you use a petroleum jelly product (like Vaseline or any lube) or toothpaste of any brand.
Therefore, take a small amount of Vaseline (just dip one cotton swab) and gently rub it over the scratch. Don’t apply too much pressure on the screen while you are doing so.
However, remember that this trick to learn how to clean your gaming monitor applies only to matter screens. If your monitor has a standard glossy LCD screen, then it’s best to skip this step. Moreover, using Vaseline will not remove the scratch. It will somewhat level it so that you can spot it with one glance.
Step 6: Let It Dry
The final step in learning how to clean gaming monitor is to let it dry. While you can use a dry microfiber towel, you can just turn on the fan and let it dry naturally. Therefore, you can simply leave the fan on for ten minutes, and voila! Your gaming monitor will now look brand new!
Things You Must NOT DO While Cleaning a Gaming Monitor
Now that you know how to clean gaming monitor, there are some common mistakes that people make a lot. Therefore, here is a list of things that you shouldn’t do while cleaning a gaming monitor:
1. Using Corrosive House-Cleaning Agents
Many people make the mistake of using regular house cleaning solutions to clean their monitors. You must never do this since these cleaning agents are corrosive.
Moreover, they are meant for your floor tiles, not your gaming monitor. If you use them, they will slowly erode the screen, which will cause permanent damage.
Therefore, use distilled or filtered water instead to clean your monitor.
2. Applying Too Much Pressure While Cleaning The Screen
Here is another common mistake that even I have committed many times – cleaning my monitor a bit too hard. Yes, I love my 27” curved 4k monitor, and it seems showing some tough love to it in the form of cleaning is not the perfect way to show my love for it.
Therefore, be gentle while you are cleaning the monitor. Otherwise, you might end up cracking the screen – which you don’t want.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
While learning how to clean gaming monitor is simple, people still make mistakes sometimes. Therefore, it’s best to question the internet whenever you have doubts. Here are some common questions that people ask on the internet regarding how to clean gaming monitors:
Q1. Can A Laptop Screen Be Cleaned In The Same Way As A Gaming Monitor?
Yes – if you have a gaming laptop, you can clean its screen in the same way as you would do a gaming monitor. The same applies to touchscreen gaming monitors and laptops as well.
Q2. Can I Use Hand Sanitizers to Clean Gaming Monitor?
Yes – you can use hand sanitizers to clean a gaming monitor. However, I do not recommend doing so since the alcohol in hand sanitizers can negatively affect the anti-glare and anti-reflective coating of the screen. Therefore, it can do more harm than good.
Q3. Is It OK To Clean Monitor With Wet Wipes?
No – it’s not OK to clean your gaming monitor with wet wipes or any other type of cleaning paper since these papers (including toilet paper) can damage your screen. Moreover, some paper residue can get stuck on the sides of the screen between the frames. Ultimately, it can cause more dust to build up in the long run!
Now that you know how to clean gaming monitor, it’s time to get your screen-cleaning equipment ready and start cleaning your monitor! Remember to follow the steps above exactly as I have explained.
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